Thursday, November 20, 2008

Being Thankful

It is a week before Thanksgiving and I am so very excited! This year M and I were not planning on traveling at all for Thanksgiving - but our plans changed at the last minute and we bought airline tickets just last week to go to Utah for the holiday. I am really looking forward to seeing my parents, the nieces and nephews, friends and the rest of my family.

Holidays are always so fun and for the most part bring many memories of fun holidays past. I am looking forward to helping my mom on Thursday morning... the smell of the onions and spices cooking always wake me as she prepares the stuffing. It is my job, either by volunteering or by chance, to make the pumpkin pies. I'm not as good of a cook as my mom is, but baking is definitely my forte. This year mom and I were able to get a few more vegetable dishes into the menu for sake of the vegetarians.

I am thankful for my family; I am grateful that I have the means to travel to see them almost anytime that I feel like it. I realize how lucky I am to have a home here in Los Angeles and still feel so comfortable when I travel back to where I grew up. My list of things I am thankful for goes on and on and on....

See you next week FAM! xoxo

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I would like to see more pics of you and your home!! If you don't post them on your blog, send them to my E-mail. I'd love to see them!