Monday, February 02, 2009

Got Him

I found Mr. Cricket and took him outside. It was comical to finally get him out. I feared the "bad luck" factor of course but, in the end I decided that he'd been given shelter and had managed to stay alive for more than a week. So, he's out and I could hear him chirping happily, OUTSIDE!


Alicia said...

You are so much nicer to the kritters than I am. Last night I saw a huge moth in the apartment and I freaked out! I made Brandon kill it immediately. Moths give me the creeps. I hate how they just pick a spot on the wall and stick to it forever and if they are plotting to destroy!! Next time I see a bug, I'm going to try to remember you, try not to freak out and try to show some kindness but yikes!! I hate moths! I don't know how you can even handle a cricket!

Raquel said...

hahaha! I wasn't always so kind. Its a zen thing I'm working on!! I always thought that too, that they bugs were sitting there plotting their evil takeover! I wish they just would, if that is what they plan to do! I'm tired of waiting!