Monday, February 23, 2009

My List of 'Things That Must Go'

1. Please stop asking me when/if I am going to be married. I cannot emphasize how badly #1 needs to go. I love that people are concerned for me and my single/married status, however, please stop asking when I am going to get married. I'm not that worried, so you shouldn't be. I am not approaching spinster status, I don't own any cats, and I don't plan to anytime soon. Note also that on the edges of the U.S. (not middle)and especially in larger cities it is ok for a woman to be over 25 and not married. I'm fine, I'm happy. I also spent years dodging the bouquets at my friends' weddings for a reason.

2. Sales people not putting my items in my 'eco-friendly' bag I brought to the store. This doesn't happen at grocery stores, but places like Target, drug stores, and some mall-type stores; I hand them my eco-friendly bag to put my purchased items in and they practically snub my bag. So sorry that I care about the environment and don't want to use 3 plastic bags to carry 2 small items. Please don't snub my bag, and please do your job and place my items in my bag for me.

3. People that are still using plastic bags. If you are still using plastic bags at ANY STORE... you need to go. That is not responsible at all. I need not explain further. It erks me. Also, if you are going to use a paper bag, which is more responsible, don't allow the clerk (and please don't ask the clerk) to put a plastic bag on the outside of your paper bag. What is the point in that? Ridiculous and this practice must go.

4. Chicken broth in ALL soups. I know the whole world isn't vegetarian, but could you help a girl out once in a while? Why make soups that could so easily be vegetarian with chicken broth? First, EW. Chicken broth? I didn't LOVE it when I did eat meat. If you cook for a restaurant would it be too much to ask to buy vegetable broth to make your egg drop soup, split pea, lentil or other soups that please the herbivore customers? please?

5. Restaurants that don't have spinach. I don't even fully understand the concept of "we don't have spinach." WHAT? That doesn't compute in my head. How do you? Wha? I can't even form a proper complaint about it because it is so ridiculous.

I only have the 5 major complaints this week on my list of things that must go. These are obviously things that I have been faced with A LOT in the past week or two.


Anonymous said...

Here!Here! Especially to #1 and the chicken broth one!

Nisha said...

Ok - so I went and bought a cute reusable bag from Safeway the very next morning after I read this. :)

Alicia said...

This post made me laugh out loud. You go girl!! I completely agree with #1 as IT IS NO ONE'S BUSINESS but yours. And as far as the others, I didn't realize the grocery bag thing. I guess I have been spoiled and never thought about that. There is a Trader Joe's nearby and my sister-in-law has told me previously to get reusable grocery bags and I blew her off but now that you have expressed it that way. I'm going to make the switch. Thanks!