Your General Mills website says: "Adults and Children who eat cereal frequently are better off nutritionally than those who rarely eat cereal." When you posted this on your website, I have to ask, were you not taking YOUR cereals into consideration? You state that your cereals are lower in calories and fat that most breakfast choices but is keeping the calories low worth poisoning our bodies with sucralose and other low calorie sweeteners?
I was so excited when I discovered that your Total cereals makes a Cinnamon Crunch, that could rival your Cinnamon Toast Crunch - but what appeared to be a healthier choice because it has more vitamins and minerals. But upon first taste, I discovered a taste that I had not had for a LONG time, artificial sweetener. I can detect that nasty flavor in a food like a megaphone being used in a library. However, I think your consumers need to be aware that in the long run Cinnamon Toast Crunch would be the better alternative as it does not contain the poisonous sucralose.
I think its absolutely disgusting that you would put sucralose in a breakfast cereal. If more people knew of the dangers of sucralose, aspartame, splenda and other low calorie sweeteners perhaps you would be forced to take this product out of your cereals. In the meantime I must find better breakfast alternatives. I have enjoyed General Mills cereals since I was quite young. I see now that I am the only one looking out for my health and well being, and like all other corporations, yours just wants to make more money while spending less on the products you put out no matter how they effect the consumer. If your consumers are all sick or dead because of the product you sold them... you won't have anyone to buy your products.
I did send this letter to General Mills. I don't expect some miraculous change to come of this. I felt that posting it on my blog might bring more attention to this problem or at least help others be aware of what they are eating or feeding their kids. One thing I have learned from my rants and letters to corporations is that they just do not care. Enough people will still purchase, enough people are still uninformed, and many many more people just plain do not care. Its sad really. From one frustrated consumer to the next wish us luck and health. Our battle has just begun.
1 comment:
can anyone tell me which is the best counter strike guide ? :)...i found this one :
What do you come up with pitilessly it ?
Thanx in advance
Sorry for my bad english :s
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