Fashions fade, style is eternal. ~Yves Saint Laurent
"Everything is gestation and then bringing forth," wrote poet Rainer Maria Rilke in his book Letters to a young Poet. "To let each impression and each germ of feeling come to completion wholly in itself, in the dark, in the inexpressible, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own intelligence, and await with deep humility and patience the birth-hour of a new clarity: that alone is living the artist’s life." I think it's also the approach you should take in the coming weeks, Sagittarius, even if you're not an artist. As smart as you are, there's an even greater intelligence working discreetly within you that is more slyly brilliant and lushly visionary than your conscious mind. You owe it to your future to let it do its work.
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Hello. And Bye.
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