Monday, November 30, 2009
A Q Rant: because I know you've missed these moments
Have you heard or seen on the news of kids being arrested for bullying "redheads"? Before I get all fired up - excuse my redhead pun - about how utterly ridiculous this all is can I get a big AMEN for the bullies punishment thus far?
I caught a news blip of this absurdity this evening and quickly ran to my computer to Google it. Click here for a news story on this subject from KPCV Southern California Public Radio. So, the facts as I find them are that some Jr. High age kids in Calabasas, CA decided to bring an Internet Spoof, originating from an animated TV show, to life. This spoof is/was called "Kick a Ginger Day." I can see how on South Park this joke would have been hilarious. However, when taken out of context and into real life, this is not funny. The part that really gets under my skin about this idiotic act is not that they specifically picked out "ginger kids" - they could have chosen any group to single out and bully. I'm not just sticking up for the little redheads out there either, this is for anyone, any color, any creed, anyone who has had to deal with real mean bullying or hate crimes.
I am so OVER hearing kids do this crap and "blame" (whether it is them, or their parents or the media) TV, movies, video games and the Internet. I wonder how long before parents start to realize that taking responsibility for ones actions starts at home. So your kid saw something on TV -- does that make it ok? No. Does it make it ok for you to blame the TV? NO! I have yet to see a notice on the side of a new TV box that says: ATTENTION: the contents in this box, once plugged in, are extremely useful in being one or all of the following at any given moment: Babysitter, Parent, and Activity Coach. This television set will bring your children up right, teach them the realities of life and the world. Please allow It to teach your kidlets morals, values and all things warm and dear to your heart. Sorry parents, if you weren't ready to be a parent, Uhh too late, better protection next time. Take a parenting class, read a book or two, and stop allowing your child to bully and re in-act things that they see on TV. Take a break from your personal life to explain to kids that there is reality, then there is TV land (Oh! and reality TV goes in with the latter.)
I think I've made my point. Your TV isn't doing a very good job of raising your kids. Maybe you should take a jab at it, just a suggestion. In the meantime... stop blaming television shows and movies. Those of us who can distinguish between reality funny and television funny still need entertainment.
I caught a news blip of this absurdity this evening and quickly ran to my computer to Google it. Click here for a news story on this subject from KPCV Southern California Public Radio. So, the facts as I find them are that some Jr. High age kids in Calabasas, CA decided to bring an Internet Spoof, originating from an animated TV show, to life. This spoof is/was called "Kick a Ginger Day." I can see how on South Park this joke would have been hilarious. However, when taken out of context and into real life, this is not funny. The part that really gets under my skin about this idiotic act is not that they specifically picked out "ginger kids" - they could have chosen any group to single out and bully. I'm not just sticking up for the little redheads out there either, this is for anyone, any color, any creed, anyone who has had to deal with real mean bullying or hate crimes.
I am so OVER hearing kids do this crap and "blame" (whether it is them, or their parents or the media) TV, movies, video games and the Internet. I wonder how long before parents start to realize that taking responsibility for ones actions starts at home. So your kid saw something on TV -- does that make it ok? No. Does it make it ok for you to blame the TV? NO! I have yet to see a notice on the side of a new TV box that says: ATTENTION: the contents in this box, once plugged in, are extremely useful in being one or all of the following at any given moment: Babysitter, Parent, and Activity Coach. This television set will bring your children up right, teach them the realities of life and the world. Please allow It to teach your kidlets morals, values and all things warm and dear to your heart. Sorry parents, if you weren't ready to be a parent, Uhh too late, better protection next time. Take a parenting class, read a book or two, and stop allowing your child to bully and re in-act things that they see on TV. Take a break from your personal life to explain to kids that there is reality, then there is TV land (Oh! and reality TV goes in with the latter.)
I think I've made my point. Your TV isn't doing a very good job of raising your kids. Maybe you should take a jab at it, just a suggestion. In the meantime... stop blaming television shows and movies. Those of us who can distinguish between reality funny and television funny still need entertainment.
Another example of parents not caring until its too late.
When I have kids im going to actively monitor all of there computer use. No computer in their room until they are 16.
*their computer use.
When your first is 16, lets revisit this topic. :)
Guess It depends on how the kid is. If he/she is well behaved and generally good then I guess they will have earned my trust and they can have their on computer. Of course, I will still maintain the illusion that I am logging EVERYTHING. :)
I think South Park sucks and is not funny. I would never let my children even watch it. And as far as the redheads- that is terrible. I heard that story. I love Redheads.
I couldn't agree more! I think quite a few things going on in the world right now are teaching our younger generation that it is okay to blame everyone (and everything) else for your actions, problems, etc. It is really sickening. And also, I love the last sentence of your post. It reminds me of one of Cher's speeches on Clueless " until mankind is peaceful enough not to have violence on the news, there's no point in taking it out of shows that need it for entertainment value!" I love that movie!
Alli - You nailed it. That was exactly the speach I was channeling there. Heaven knows I've seen that show tooooo many times. But it is EXACTLY how I feel. :)
Thanx for commenting everyone. I appreciate your insight!
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