Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I had a long blog post written, and then I was reading over it and proofing it and decided to just delete the whole thing.  I feel like being sentimental, I feel like being witty, and the rest of me just doesn't really care at all.  I'm not sure what that means.  Furthermore, I'm not sure that I even care that I don't care what that means.  So, big *eyeroll* I started writing again - I'll be concise.

New Year's is a great time to turn around and look behind you.  As I get ready to turn around I am reminding myself to be honest as I reflect on myself and my actions. I had a fantastic year overall.  M and I had REALLY fantastic vacations, and we got engaged!  I saw my family a few times, and had guests visit a few times!  We had fun, laughed and enjoyed ourselves.  I had a great loss earlier this year - I lost a friend that was very dear to me. I still think of him often and miss him greatly.  That was one of the most difficult parts of 2009.  But not all moments can be good ones.

In the spirit of moving onward and upward - I have much to do this year!  You probably do to -- let's get to it!

Hello, 2010.  Auld Lang Syne and all of that.  Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Great post. Really. I have done that so many times in writing I mean.