Friday, December 04, 2009

Baby, Its Cold Outside. (And your Holiday Sweater is not helping my Nausea)

Its been entirely too long since I've done a Fashion Friday post.  Happy Friday everyone!!!!

Incase you wanted to know:  20 Days until Christmas, 7 Days until Hanukkah.

#1 on my list of "Holiday Things that Must Go" is Holiday Sweaters.  I know, I know, wearing the sweater with snowmen and Christmas trees on it really gets you in the mood.  But, go look at yourself in the mirror.  Really?  A holiday sweater?   Very cute on kidlets under 12 months, otherwise, the elves called and they want the sweater back.  I think it is time to send that sweater to the North Pole where it came from and focus on maturing that holiday wardrobe.  

Ick.  I'm going to have nightmares.  So I'm not the only one having fun: Google "Holiday Sweater" images.  The family pictures of everyone in matching sweaters... that is my version of hell.  If you ever want to frighten the bejeeebers out of me, just wear your holiday sweater, then we'll meet Freddy Krueger for dinner.

More Holiday Things that Must Go coming soon!

1 comment:

allison said...

Ha ha! I hate those too! I can't figure out why they are still being made. I guess because people keep buying them. Yikes. At least they give us something to laugh about though!