Monday, January 25, 2010

Get Real, Estate!

Recently, despite all reasons not to (Earthquake in Haiti, pending engagement, economy) I have been in the mood to upgrade my living arrangement to something larger.  I've lived here for a few years now and my list of things I want in my next pad continuously grows.  I feel its slightly pig-headed of me to be bothered by my lack of space in my home that was so roomy only 5 short years ago.  Ahhh to consume so gluttonously!!  The popular school of thought on this topic seems to be that in order to attempt to help out the economy, we who can, should run out and benefit from others' losses.  Hurry!   Prices are low and don't forget, it’s a 'buyers market'!  *Eyeroll* I understand that this makes sense. Upgrade! But, doesn't it seem a little wrong to do that when so many are losing at this whole game?  Should we not, instead, be helping out one another?  Where's the plug... I say lets pull it.

On a lighter note, a NYC couple has found retreat in their 10 x 14 foot stu.... er closet apartment.  They made New York City's smallest apartment their cozy home.  I wouldn't want to attempt sanity in that small of a space. Click here for the actual article on

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