Sunday, May 15, 2011

Savvy + Green

I found this article titled "10 Questions to Ask to “Green” Your Non-Green Clothing Purchase." It is a good article, it is in fact the reason for this post. I don't care for the title though. So, I'm doing a re-post under the pretense that you think of the title this way: 10 Questions to ask when Shopping - Green. I think these questions should always be asked whether you are just a shopper or whether you are trying to be a green shopper.

Know where your clothes come from and what they are made of. Read the labels. Always ask yourself if you truly need it. Always do a closet check so you know what you have and what you need so you aren't getting multiples of the same thing.  Most important is quality.  Sure, we all like to save money.  Make sure what you are considering spending a mere $20 on, will last past 2 washes, still in tact and able to be worn.  Sometimes the money you save, has to be spent again a few months later on a replacement for your original less expensive purchase.  

Shop savvy.

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