Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I adopted a turkey this morning and saved a life from slaughter! Her name is Serendipity. Isn't that a great name? Serendipity by definition means good fortune or luck. (according to Dictionary.com)

This is one small thing that I am able to do during the holidays to contribute to things that I believe in. Now if I can convince my mom to not serve turkey to the family next Thursday. Tofurkey anyone??? PLEASE????

Turkey Facts:
  • At one time the bald eagle and the turkey were considered a national symbol of America.
  • a turkey under 16 weeks in age is called a Fryer, and 5-7 months old is called a Roaster.
  • Turkeys have great hearing, but no external ears.
  • They can also see in color, and have excellent visual acuity and a wide field of vision. They have a poor sense of smell, but good sense of taste.
  • Domesticated turkeys cannot fly. Wild turkeys, however, can fly for short distances at speeds up to 55 miles per hour. They can also reach speeds of 25 miles per hour on the ground.
  • Turkeys can spend the night in trees and often do.
  • Turkeys can have heart attacks: turkeys in fields near the Air Force test areas over which the sound barrier was broken were known to drop dead from the shock of passing jets.
  • Turkeys eat seeds, acorns, wild berries and some small insects.
  • Native Americans called turkeys "firkee".

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