Friday, January 09, 2009

Another Earthquake:

Yesterday evening at about 7:50pm we had a moderate earthquake. The initial quake was near San Bernadino and was about 5.0; Los Angeles felt it at about 4.5.

I was sitting at my computer at home having an online chat with M when the quake happened. As soon as I figured out we were having an earthquake and M asked me if I felt it, it was over. Just a few seconds. I was on the phone with my mom too, and I shrieked, "Oh my gosh we are having an earthquake!"

I can't say I'm getting used to being jolted around by the earth every few months- my heart didn't jump too far out of my chest this time though. This is quake #3 for me in the 5 years I have lived here.

I am being totally facetious here by saying that I appreciate all the calls and emails from my family after both quakes- its good to know your are concerned!


KT and Lance said...

I'm so out of touch with the world, I had no idea you were having quakes! That's freaky! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, it's been a while since I said hi, hope all is well!

Jac Ho said...

messenging... talking on the phone... ALL in the midst of an earthquake... multitasking at its best... good to hear it wasnt a BIG one... (thats what she said)


Alicia said...

That is scary. I am glad nothing fell on you! I'm sorry you were in an earthquake. That would make me quite alarmed. I am glad you were okay.