Friday, January 09, 2009

Whatever, Martha!

I discovered this show one day when I was home from work, sick. I immediately put it on my Tivo to record all episodes. Whatever, Martha ( is found here on their website and on FLN. I'm sorry I don't know when it regularly comes on because that is the beauty of Tivo!

Deep down inside half-domesticated self I want to be Martha. Doesn't everyone? All of the things Martha does; she does so wonderful, tasteful, delicious and organized. It's a dream... a fantasy if you will. Since I want to be more like Martha and have her great homemaking skills but, like I said, I'm still only about 1/2 domesticated... I have a ways to go. That being said, it is also fun to watch this show because it has Martha's hilariously funny and beautiful daughter, Alexis and her BFF Jennifer discussing different Martha Stewart show clips. They banter, they make fun of Martha, they say things that I always thought whenever I caught the Martha show. It is wildly entertaining and there are things to learn from as well! I think this concept is fantastic and I strongly recommend watching this if you are able to.

P.S. A note to my dear sweet mother... I wanted to be like you long before I discovered how great Martha is! My mom is very domesticated and taught me well. If I ever become more like Martha, it will be because my mom helped me. xoxo!

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