Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tooo Perfect

I was checking my favorite horoscope, Free Will Astrology, (http://www.freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/) and this is my horoscope for the week:

When gasoline prices soared last year, a Christian group called Pray at the Pump organized vigils at gas stations, where they prayed for God's intervention. No one knows if their efforts were the cause, but the cost of gas did begin to plummet soon afterward. Inspired by their work, I have asked my team of non-denominational Prayer Warriors to gather in your behalf. Every evening for the next ten days, they will be calling on their connections with the Divine Wow to help you Sagittarians come up with smart and practical long-term plans for your financial well-being. On your end, you can supercharge their efforts by doing the appropriate research and meditation.
For those of you who know me and whats going on in my life this is just too funny and ironic, isn't it? I'll let you know in 10 days if I have new inspiration.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Thank you for your Christmas card. It was really nice to get one from you.