Friday, January 30, 2009
Cricket Update, He Must Be Lucky
Mr. Cricket is still in my home. I almost had him one day, he's very big, he was sitting on the hem of my curtain in the office area welcoming me home after work. I got a glass, told him he had to go-- and just as I was setting the glass down, he hopped under the curtains never to
be found again. Now his chirping is coming from under the kitchen sink.
Yes, it is very loud and very obnoxious. I think he can see me, but knows that I cannot see him. I swear this is one smart cricket. I've torn that cupboard apart looking for him. I don't know where he possibly could be at this point. He needs to go though.
On a slightly different note crickets are known to bring good luck and are kept as pets in Asia and some European countries. In Barbados, a loud cricket means money is coming and cannot be killed or evicted if it chirps inside a house.
Now that I've read that... I cannot evict him. Hmmmm we'll see what happens if/when I'm able to get a glass over him. Reasoning with a cricket is not the way to go, in case you were thinking that would still be a good option. I've tried that.
ever heard of bug bomb or Raid. very effective
Funny, I have heard of those, however they destroy not only a few small living creatures, but also the air that I have to breathe within my own house. Not the smartest invention ever. Thanx for the suggestion though
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