Wednesday, March 25, 2009
No More JUNK Mail (USPS)

Back to my soap box for today ...
How badly do you hate the junk mail that overfills your mailbox? I'm not talking spam and junk in your email inbox, I'm speaking of the good old time-tested USPS mailbox. Well, I try to actually HATE as few things as possible and usually resort to a strong dislike- however, I have no shame in saying that I HATE getting junk mail in my mailbox. Most of my regular bills now come via email or through ebilling with my bank and my bill pay. I like that. No waste, no fuss, no clutter for my mailbox, house, or garbage can.
I googled "USPS Junk Mail" and got a few different links to explore:
first http://www.ecofuture.org/jmusps.html click on this link. This one explains the different types of "junk mail" and the different ways you can ensure to be removed from some of those lists. The last type of junk mail is bulk junk mail - or Saturation Mailing. (EW that sounds disgusting and not in a good way) Notice in bold under Saturation Mailing it says, "There is no way the Post Office will allow you to be removed from this list. That is not ok with me.
Click on this link http://donotmail.org/index.php for the Do Not Mail Organization. You can sign the petition and submit their form letter to the speaker of the House to urge them of not just the annoyance of junk mail and "saturation mailing" but also of their negative effect on our natural resources and the environment. Consider this to be the "do not call" registry for your USPS Mailbox. They have a facts tab on this website too. The grossest fact of them all: It takes more than 100 million trees to produce the total volume of junk mail that arrives in American mailboxes each year—that's the equivalent of clearcutting the entire Rocky Mountain National Park every 4 months. See their website's fact page for more information that will make your stomach turn.
Lastly, I found this website: http://mailstopper.tonic.com/. I wasn't totally pleased with this one. I pay them $20 a year and they'll stop the junk mail from coming into my mailbox. Excuse me, what? I have to pay you to stop a service that annoys me for FREE?? That is what I have come to expect sometimes in life... you pay to have something removed that comes to you for free. Makes no sense to me, but if you want to pass out $20/yearly for this service, be my guest and please tell me if it works.
I hope if you are as annoyed by this as I am that you will sign the petition and urge your friends and family to do the same.
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