Mung beans, among other legumes, are a popular alternative to meat for vegetarians and those on strict budgets since they pack a lot of protein for the price. Mung beans are also very high in potassium, fiber, magnesium and B vitamins. They make an excellent diet food since one cup of mung beans is less than 30 calories.
I've been enjoying mung beans and recently have made a delicious recipe called 'Mung Beans and Rice'. Its a delicious recipe packed with LOTS of vegetables and spices that I first tried after yoga class at a nearby vegan cafe. If you would like to see this recipe email me or leave your comment and I'll email it to you. It is easy to digested, and is excellent for the sick, the elderly, and young children, but in those cases make it less spicy. This recipe is also very good for anyone who is recovering from an illness; someone who is fatigued; and for people with digestive problems. It is also good for general cleansing-detox at the change of season.
Sat Nam.
I love all your health facts! I wish I had more time and energy to devote to being healthier!
I would love that recipie!
Oh, and I'll let ya know soon whether or not I attend that "make me feel old" reunion!
I would like this recipe. That's a great tip! Also, where do I buy them?
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