Tuesday, March 02, 2010



I might as well spill it, because the dress won't actually be mine unless the wonderful heavens open up and rain couture on me or the ever-classy Chanel people decide that NOW is a good time to be charitable to yours truly.  The first photo in this sequence is my most recent dream dress - the unicorn - the unattainable.  I have lusted after this dress before on the Manifesto (click here to see prior post).  I love this dress as much as I love the man I want to marry while wearing it.  We've never met, it was love at first glance though! I really have dreamt of this brilliant creation.

This video(WMag) is a behind the shoot look at the above photos.  It feels just as it is titled, as though in a Dream Sequence.  I love the way it makes one question - am I dreaming this?  It feels quite sensual to wear such beautiful things with the juxtaposition of the settings.  The old house, then outdoors both with such soft natural light...

Its gorgeous!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Really beautiful. I love the house and I love the clothes. I liked at the end how that model waved at the camera like "hi!" as if she were doing something very common like shopping for groceries. What I'd really like to know is more about the music the chose for that video. I thought the music was lovely!